Elmwood in Berkeley, CA
Explore Our Smile Gallery
Are you dissatisfied with the appearance of your smile? Do you need a dentist in Berkeley, CA? On this page we have included information about how Dr. Dailley and his team can positively impact your smile. Here you can learn more about which treatment options are best for you and the ones you care about. You can also find out about our dental implants and cosmetic dentistry services to see how our Berkeley dental office can restore your smile to its fullest potential. Welcome to our Smile Gallery. Please enjoy some of our amazing smile transformations.


Due to an orthodontic malocclusion this patient had been excessively wearing his teeth. He was also a person who had a history of clenching and grinding his teeth. We had been discussing our concern with our patient regarding the progression of the attrition his teeth were undergoing, and after a few years he decided to move forward and have the problem treated. We initially had this patient undergo a relatively short period of orthodontic treatment to align the teeth properly before we began the restoration of his teeth. The pre-treatment photos show the severity of the wear on his teeth and they had actually become shortened due to the excessive wear. The post-treatment photos, as you can see, show the vast improvement to his smile and the teeth are now protected from further damage.


This patient sought help from our office after years of avoiding the dentist. Due to the severity of his dental problems he was was under the impression he was going to lose most, if not all of his teeth, but with careful treatment planning only a couple of teeth had to be removed. A number of teeth needed root canal treatment in order to save them. Numerous crowns were placed on the severely broken down teeth and we also performed a special gum surgery to lengthen his very short appearing teeth. We also performed some minor orthodontic treatment to move some of his teeth into more ideal positions. His entire treatment involved many disciplines in the field of dentistry and we accomplished all of them in our office over about a year’s time. This gentleman had given up smiling years ago but now he not can’t stop smiling! He is one happy man.
Dental Crowns


Before: Front (left) Central tooth has a poor restoration. Does not look natural and is not contoured properly to match the gumline of the rest of the teeth. After: Replaced with an All Porcelain Crown (no metal). Tooth is now contoured to match the rest of the gumline. Restored tooth looks very natural and matches the shape and color of the patient’s teeth.


Before: Patient needs Upper Arch Rehabilitation. Presents with Upper Anterior teeth that are stained, incisal edges (tooth edge) are worn down and chipped, and gumline recession is present. After: Smile restored with placement of 8 Upper All Porcelain Crowns (Caps). Gumline and incisal edges are now uniform. Patient now has longer, better shaped teeth to enhance the smile line and aid in chewing/biting function.


Before: Patient has 4 Upper Anterior Crowns (caps) that are poor in color and shape. After: Smile restored and enhanced with 4 Upper Anterior All Porcelain Crowns. The color/shade matches the patient’s natural enamel and the two Central Incisors were lengthened to create a more natural smile.
Dental Implants




Before: This patient came to our office complaining of problems with her implant, and also the gums surrounding the implant and adjacent crowns (work completed at a different practice). She wasn’t happy with the spaces or gaps around the teeth, and the look of the roots being exposed and was embarrassed to smile. We fabricated new crowns for her anterior teeth, and redesigned the contours of these crowns to eliminate or minimize the gaps. In addition, some minor surgery was performed on some of the gum tissue around the implant which when combined with the new crowns brought about a much more aesthetic result and pleasing smile.
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.